About Us

Affiliation No.:- 2132968 Affiliation Code:- 71402
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About Us

St. Francis Xavier's School differentiates itself from the other schools based on its philosophy of creating all rounded personalities rather than just lob sided academicians.

The objective of every educational institution is not only to create sharp minds but also responsible citizens of the country who have deep sense of responsibility towards our great nation and the society. We aim to nurture young minds and see them grow into dynamic adults who will be at ease once they leave the protected walls of this school and enter the wild world which is so different from the textbooks they read.


  • To provide near ideal ambience, outstanding teaching resources and facilities to facilitate all round development.
  • To nurture and foster intellectual abilities.
  • To inculcate sense of values and purity of thought.
  • To encourage development of scientific and rational thinking.
  • To develop leadership and spirit of adventure.
  • To foster the ability to distinguish the right from the wrong, the facts from the myth and the grain from the chaff.
  • To encourage community feeling, a sense of justice and the quality of tolerance.
  • To develop self confidence through a sense of responsibility, devotion, patriotism and discipline.


  • To evolve young minds into responsible citizens who can overcome hurdles of a global society while staying rooted to their intrinsic traditional values.

  • To ultimately shape up as a centre of education imparting excellence at all levels while simultaneously stressing upon mental, spiritual and physical development.

  • The end objective is to create caring, responsible and dynamic global citizens of tomorrow who are committed to the development of the nation.


  • Well qualified trained and experienced teacher.
  • Lush green campus.
  • Transport facilities.
  • Computer lab and smart classroom.
  • Spacious playground.
  • Indoor & outdoor sports facilities.
  • Parent-Teacher meeting in every month.
  • Well planned school building.
  • Affordable fee structure.